Complementary or “opposite” colors are hues and tones which are set directly opposite one another on the color wheel. When placed next to each other, complementary colors create a strong chromatic contrast which intensifies the colors. When mixed together, they produce a white or gray color. The following color schemes are based on complementary colors.
Analogous color schemes use colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. They usually match well because they share similar qualities.
Monochromatic color schemes make use of a single base hue and show different tints, tones and shades of that hue.
Split-complementary color schemes are created by choosing a base hue and then finding the two colors on either side of its complement. This creates a scheme that is both challenging and harmonious.
Triadic color schemes use three colors evenly spaced around the color wheel. This type of scheme is very bold, yet can be quite harmonious.
Tetradic color schemes make use of two sets of complementary colors. This can be done by choosing a pair of complementary colors and then using the two hues on either side of each color. Tetradic schemes are quite rare in nature but can be found in certain flowers, such as orchids.